Old Aged Home - Project
When the elderly people grew old they end up in facing the miseries of their lives with no one to care and no one to rely upon. No means of income force them to a big dilemma ‘how to live their own lives’. With the aim of helping such people, COF’s Old Age Home was established.
Old age home seeks to provide peace and joy by caring of the aged people in terms of their physical, spiritual and social needs; and the home will take care of their hardships, loneliness and fear in their aged days. We believe that in providing an environment of love, acceptance, security and a sense of belonging to the elderly people, he or she is helped to experience the life normally. COF provides accommodation for these elders with each one a room, a cot, a mattress, a fan, a toilet, a common television and other facilities. Every day, in the morning breakfast with a cup of coffee/tea is provided and after noon, lunch is given. Coffee/tea and biscuits are served later in the afternoon and dinner at night. Helpers are appointed to clean their room, clothes and to feel a home like atmosphere and ensure to provide all the facilities and other utilities regularly. Their health is taken cared by the regular visit of a physician. These were done to give them a feel like their own home.