Arise And Shine - Project

One way or another woman always has to depend on some one for their livelihood. As a girl she depends on her parents, as a wife she depends on her husband, as a mother she depends on her children. That is why when her husband dies or leaves her; she is helpless, not knowing what to do, how to provide the children and look after her family.

COF helps such women through Arise and Shine Project (ASP). Helping destitute women from the remote villages to stand on their own feet is our primary goal. This is a three year project, during these three ears of time COF supports them with a monthly donation that will provide the widows to secure provision for their children’s education and daily needs.

We support them to generate their own income through various projects such as caring for animal husbandry, business, agriculture and self-promoting jobs like tailoring, painting etc. according to their talents and knowledge.

By doing so we not only help the women to stand by their own in the society, we help them to improve their life situation; and the foremost thing is ensuring a steady income, which may last for a long period.